CA Lifeline Program

The CA Lifeline program offers low-income Californians assistance for wireless telecom services (cell phones and broadband internet). However, a recent proposed decision by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) would eliminate this subsidy for many Californians who need it.

The importance of access to high quality wireless telecom and internet services has skyrocketed since the COVID-19 pandemic. These services are necessary for education, employment, paying bills, navigating healthcare, and paying taxes.

We believe the CPUC should be maximizing these services for low-income Californians, especially in these times of rising inflation that has eroded their wages. The CPUC is trying to restrict these subscribers from being able to combine their California LifeLine benefit with the ACP benefit.

Please help by submitting comments! Follow the steps/sample comments below:

Go to Lifeline Comment Portal by clicking the link below.

In the Proceeding Number Search enter R2002008 and click the Search button.

Click on the highlighted Proceeding Number.

Click Add Public Comment.

Click the OK button on Public Records Acts Disclaimer Notice.

Enter your comment, Name, City, Zip Code and email. Click that you are not a robot and then click the Submit button.

Below are 3 options for sample comments.

Feel free to modify yours if you would like!

• Let California Lifeline subscribers combine all of their federal and state benefits to get more broadband. When combined, the total benefits are still well below the average cellphone/internet bill. Vote NO on the CPUC’s Proposed Decision to deny these low-income consumers from benefitting from all government programs available to them.
• We disagree the CPUC’s Proposed Decision to deny state benefits to low-income consumers who receive federal benefits. The importance of access to high quality wireless telecom and internet services has skyrocketed since the COVID-19 pandemic. Please vote NO on the CPUC’s Proposed Decision to deny Californians in need access to all available benefits.
• Wireless telecom and broadband services are necessary for education, employment, paying bills, navigating healthcare, and paying taxes. We believe the CPUC should be maximizing these services for low-income Californians, especially in these times of rising inflation that has eroded their wages. Vote NO on the CPUC’s Proposed Decision to restrict these low-income subscribers from being able to combine their California LifeLine benefit with the ACP benefit.

Email Elias Garcia at with any questions.

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