Creation of new CDC in Modesto

CCEDA has a track-record in establishing faith-based CDCs, notably with the recent creation of Stanislaus Equity Partners (STEP) CDC in Modesto. STEP received $5 million from the county of Stanislaus to start their CDC.
- CCEDA advised STEP CDC with organizing and facilitating their Board Orientation and will conduct their Strategic Planning.
CDFI 2022 Resilience Fund Cohort
The inaugural cohort includes the following organizations:
- African Americans for Economic Empowerment
- Black Cultural Zone CDC
- Chinatown Service Center
- Coalition for Responsible Community Development
- Community Services Unlimited Inc.
- Creser Capital Fund
- Entrepinayship
- First Community Capital
- Fresno Area Hispanic Foundation
- Inclusive Action for the City
- Pukuu Cultural Community Services

Part of the 2022 Resilience Fund Cohort under the California Reinvestment Coalition; CCEDA has assisted eleven BIPOC organizations to establish lending programs and apply for CDFI certification.
- The resilience fund is a two-year, $4 million initiative to reimagine systems of capital centered on communities of color.
- The resilience fund provides capacity building, technical assistance, and grant funding to support a cohort of BIPOC-led nonprofit organizations in achieving certification as Certified Financial Development Institutions.
- This new generation of CDFIs will invest directly in communities hit hardest by the pandemic to build new pathways to economic resilience.
New Technical Assistance Agreements FY 2022 and 2023
- Northern California Indian Development Council, Inc.
- Community Action Partnership: Sonoma County
Trainings Reports
Part of CCEDA’s Faith-Based CDC Initiative.
Webinar content and discussion points:
- CDC Structures
- Faith-based community development
- Developing budgets and financial projections
- Inter-faith efforts and partnerships
Part of a series of Regional Webinars, the culmination of CCEDA’s Climate Adaptation Initiative. (In association with the Climate Resolve)
Webinar content and discussion points:
- Overview of the Regional Climate Adaptation Assessments and the implications of climate change.
- Initiatives, services, and programs implemented in the Sierra Nevada’s communities of concern that aim to achieve equitable climate solutions.
- Strategies to encourage community-lead climate resiliency initiatives.
Part of CCEDA’s Faith-Based CDC Initiative.
Webinar content and discussion points:
- CDC Structures
- Faith-based community development
- Developing budgets and financial projections
- Inter-faith efforts and partnerships
Overview of CDFI Fund Technical Assistance award and Financial Assistance award (In association with FUND Consulting)
Webinar content and discussion points:
- Technical Assistance
- Eligibility, preliminary steps, and important registrations
- TA Application Overview
- Section 1 – Questions required for uncertified applicants
- Section 2 – Business Strategy
- Best Practices for Advance Planning
- How to develop a competitive application and compelling application strategy
- Application attachments
- Financial Assistance
- Eligibility, preliminary steps, and important registrations
- FA Application Overview
- FA Objectives overview and examples of successful application objectives
- Best Practices for Advance Planning
- How to develop a competitive application and compelling application strategy
- Matching funds
- Application attachments
- FA Supplemental awards
An Introduction to the Enterprise Facilitation model of local economic development (In association with Sirolli Associates)
Webinar content and discussion points:
- Overview of the Enterprise Facilitation model of economic development by Dr Ernesto Sirolli.
- The value of adding a social technology that is responsive to existing initiatives and local intelligence
- Avoiding the pitfalls of assumptive and “top down” models of economic development.
An Introduction to Affordable Housing in Rural Environments (In association with the California Coalition for Rural Housing)
Webinar content and discussion points:
• Effects of Unaffordable Housing and Affordable Housing
o Effects on greater community, tenants/homeowners, and quality of life
• Defining Affordable Housing
o Goals, eligibility, parties involved in affordable housing
• Funding and Obstacles
o Rural housing obstacles, Federal and community development programs for rural housing, community land trusts, rural housing innovations
Net Energy Metering Information Session (in conjunction with Ideate Labs)
Session content and discussion points:
General Overview:
- Net Energy Metering, or NEM, is a billing system that credits electricity customers for the excess electricity produced by their own generation system (e.g., rooftop solar panels) and sent to the electric grid.
Benefits to Low Income Customers:
- Establishes an Equity Fund
- Up to $600 million to support clean energy and storage programs for low-income customers
- This could be used to enhance and expand existing low-income storage and community solar programs that have strong consumer protections (e.g., Disadvantaged Communities-Green Tariff and Self-Generation Incentive Program Equity) or support new low-income programs that improve access to clean energy.
- Low-income customers, customers living in a disadvantaged community, and tribal households would be exempt from paying the Grid Participation Charge.
Low Income Home Water Assistance Program presentation for various water associations and providers.
Briefing content and discussion points:
- How to maximize enrollment to the program
- How to partner with CBO’s to ensure successful implementation of the program
- Best practices derived from LIHEAP implementation that apply to LIHWAP
An Introduction to Affordable Housing in Urban Environments (In association with the Southern California Association of Nonprofit Housing)
Webinar content and discussion points:
- Initial Steps on Assessment and Development
- Initial Assessment, due diligence in property research, how to select a consultant and/or a development partner, requests for proposals, negotiating a partnership.
- Project Feasibility: Site Planning and Entitlements
- Selection and Site Criteria, Feasibility analysis, Cost analysis, Site control and risk management, zoning, entitlements
- Financing 101 & Understanding LIHTC
- Types of Funding, funding phases, local programs, LIHTCs, point-system, ownership structures
An Overview of the Office of Community Services Federal Community Economic Development Grant Program
General Overview:
The CED grant program is a federal program administered by the Office of Communities Services will fund creation of sustainable business development, employment opportunities for low- income people, and leverage funding investments in communities. CED awards up to $800,000 in funds to private, non-profit organizations CDCs, including faith-based organizations and Tribal and Alaskan Native organizations.
Community Reinvestment Information Session
General Overview:
• The Community Reinvestment Act is a foundational funding mechanism for CDCs and CAP/CAAs, however understanding how to leverage the legislation for resources can be difficult. This webinar filled that gap, explained the connect between CRA and CDCs/CAAs, and notified attendees of an opportunity to advocate for their needs in the upcoming CRA Rule Change.
A small business lending overview for faith-based organizations.
Webinar content and discussion points:
- Small Business Lending
- Loan readiness and Packaging
- Loan Products
- Micro-lending
- Why loans get denied
- Technical Assistance
- TA entities
- Types of TA
Leadership development and succession planning training for faith-based organizations.
Webinar content and discussion points:
- Leadsership in Community Development
- Stages of leadership
- 10 themes of Leadership
- Leaders of Color model of leadership
- Diversity in leadership
- Developing leaders directly from community
- 21st Century Leadership
- Engaging in leadership development at all stages
State Small Business Credit Initiative and CalCAP program overview for community development organizations.
Webinar content and discussion points:
- Program overview
- Differences from previous SSBCI
- CalCAP Loan Loss Reserve for Small Business
- Program overview
- Application process
- CalCAP Collateral Support for Small Business
- Program overview
- Application process
Affordable housing 101 educational session for faith-based organizations operating in rural areas.
Webinar content and discussion points:
- Effects of Unaffordable Housing and Affordable Housing
- Effects on greater community, tenants/homeowners, and quality of life
- Defining Affordable Housing
- Goals, eligibility, parties involved in affordable housing
- Funding and Obstacles
- Rural housing obstacles, Federal and community development programs for rural housing, community land trusts, rural housing innovations
Affordable housing 101 educational session for faith-based organizations operating in rural areas.
Webinar content and discussion points:
- Prgram overview
- Differences from previous SSBCI
- Small Business Loan Guarantee Program
- Program overview
- Application process
- Jump Start Microloan Program/California Dream Fund
- Program overview
- Application process
Community Action Agencies
CCEDA is continuously providing Technical Assistance to six Community Development Corporations. These efforts will ensure that all recipients of CCEDA’s technical assistance projects and training’s network can obtain strategic and targeted benefits of CCEDA’s services and receive ongoing access to important community development resources.
CCEDA has completed a comprehensive community needs assessment for CommUnify which services the Santa Barbara communities.
Del Norte Senior Center (DNSC)
CCEDA continues to work collaboratively and advise DNSC on potential funding resources.
Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Program
California Community Economic Development Association (CCEDA) continues to partner with the California Housing Finance Agency (CalHFA) to help low and moderate income homeowners throughout California receive $40,000 grants to cover pre-constructions costs for building accessory dwelling units (ADUs).
CCEDA Provides Access to Funding Resources
CCEDA has assisted Community Action Agency’s (CAA) to pursue new funding sources with Weekly Fundraising Newsletters, and available TA.
- Feasibility Study in progress with Faith and Community Empowerment (FACE LA)
Policy Highlights
Social Media & Membership
61 New Memberships
New Membership Perks & Website Resources
CCEDA's Next Steps for 2023
CCEDA continues to provide Outreach, Continuing Education and Technical Assistance to its entire recipient network, with targeted outreach to smaller agencies who lack the bandwidth to respond to economic opportunities that may bring additional resources to their communities. CCEDA programming will be focused on addressing economic opportunities and initiatives, e.g., affordable housing, small business support and community economic development.