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How to Get Your First Government Grant Webinar

Join us for a webinar on How to get Your First Government Grant. The webinar will cover:

  • How nonprofits find government funding opportunities
  • Informal way to get government funding
  • Potential downsides of government funding

Many nonprofits got their first government funding through the various COVID relief funds, but now it’s time to learn how to secure a regular grant or contract. After all, government funding:

  • represents 30% of nonprofit funding,
  • can last for decades
  • is often specifically meant to serve low-income, rural, and people of color communities

It’s also daunting to try to get your first (non-COVID) government grant or contract. The American Rescue Plan funds (ARPA) will be ending in a year, and many nonprofits will experience that as a funding cliff. So join us for “How to Get Your First Government Grant” to learn the ropes and give you the confidence to go after government funding.

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CCEDA empowers organizations serving people of color, and others, to create economic opportunity and social equity in low to moderate income communities.

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