How to Get More Funding for Community Based Organizations

Do you work at a community development nonprofit? If so, it is important that every community based nonprofit takes the Grounding Values Survey! Get your story in front of policymakers & funders. Complete your Urban Institute survey.

The survey includes questions about your organization’s production, programs, leadership, needs, and services. It takes 30 minutes to complete on average, but can be shorter for organizations with a narrower range of activities. Respondents will be entered to into a raffle — and 100 of them will win $100 Visa gift cards. The survey closes on October 21.

Luis Rodriguez, Executive Director of Santee-Lynches Affordable Housing and CDC in South Carolina shares why he plans to take the Grounding Values Survey and why you should too. Stand up and be counted!

NACEDA — the National Alliance of Community Economic Development Associations  —  commissioned the Urban Institute to conduct the survey.

What can the Grounding Values Survey do for your organization?

The survey results will provide solid data NACEDA needs to:

  • advocate for funding
  • strengthen relationships with investors
  • build partnerships
  • increase capacity
  • drive new resources to community development nonprofits

How will this information be used?

  • Resources: This research will help the community development sector target resources, advocate for new funding structures, and reimagine relationships with investors and resources.
  • Capability: The results will be used to test key hypotheses about how community-based development organizations are meeting community needs and industry expectations.
  • Adaptability: The study will help our sector prepare for social and economic changes driven by climate change, calls for racial justice, and shifts in local market conditions
  • Leadership: We will use the results to support diverse leaders currently emerging in our sector as they meet this moment in history.

Take the Survey, here.

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CCEDA empowers organizations serving people of color, and others, to create economic opportunity and social equity in low to moderate income communities.

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