Where are you at in the process?
At CCEDA, we seek to be transparent about where your grant application is in the review process. We send out grant status update emails (example to the right), so you know where you are in the process. In addition, we’ve created a handy checklist so you know exactly what documents you need to submit to get on our high priority waitlist.

If your last email update reads...
You’ve submitted the necessary documents to reserve your grant. Please note that reservations are paused at this time, but we are still actively reviewing documents.This will allow us to reserve your funds if, and when, reservations resume.All pending documents will be reviewed by our reservation team and accepted once verified.
We have submitted your information to CalHFA to reserve your grant. Next you must submita project feasibility report or contractor’s bid in order for your grant to be awarded. This document must state your project’s full budget and include a breakdown of pre-construction and construction costs. If you do not have a licensed contractor to give you an on-site inspection and feasibility report, or are not 100% sure what to build, we can recommend our partner HOMEPLEX. As ADU specialists, HOMEPLEX will generate a report for you at no cost out-of-pocket (the report may be paid out of the grant). Click here to learn more about a HOMEPLEX ADU Feasibility Report.
Once you have your contractor’s bid or project feasibility report, please upload it to the grant application portal.
At this stage we’ve received your estimate and have submitted it to CalHFA for approval. Nothing more is needed from you at this time. We will let you know if any adjustments to the bid are needed, and will inform you when your grant has been awarded.
At this phase your escrow account has been opened and we are just waiting for your grant funds to be dispersed. You should receive email instructions from the escrow company on using their portal, funding the account, and approving contractor invoices.
Your grant funds have been dispersed to your account and you may now be able to have your contractor submit their invoices for payment of pre-construction costs.
The remaining funds for your ADU project have been received into your escrow account, meaning your builder can submit invoices for your approval to be paid out of the escrow account. A CCEDA representative will also be reviewing and signing off on each draw request to ensure appropriate payouts.
Each draw represents a payment out to a contractor. We will send you notice each time a payment goes out to your contractor(s). Note that by default, the escrow company send payment via check. Direct deposit and wire transactions are available for an extra fee.
Congratulations! At this point you’ve received permission to occupy your ADU and your project has been fully paid for. The final payment (draw 4) has been sent to the contractor.
We thank you for using CCEDA as your grant administrator. It was a pleasure helping you along your ADU journey!